Constitution and Bylaws of the Good Fruit Church (English) > 공지사항

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Constitution and Bylaws of the Good Fruit Church (English)

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작성자 선한열매교회
댓글 0건 조회 2,517회 작성일 21-04-03 04:23


Constitution of the Good Fruit Church



The Church exists for the preaching of the Christian faith and enacts and declares this Constitution in order for the Church to be dealt with an orderly manner according to the Scripture.


Article 1. Name

The Church shall be known in Korean as “Sunhan Yeolmae Gyohoe”, with its full English name being “Good Fruit Church.”


Article 2. Denomination

The Church is an independent church and is not part of any denomination.  Should the Church at some time in the future wish to join a denomination, a majority of members must be present at the full Congregation Meeting, and two-thirds of those in attendance must assent.  As a non-profit religious corporation in the State of Maryland, this church is organized and operated in accordance with the bylaws of an independent church.


Article 3. Principle Place of Worship

The Church is located in Maryland.  However, the Board of Trustees with the approval of the Board of Deacons may change the registered address of the church within the limits of the State of Maryland.


Article 4. Definition and Mission of the Church

Paragraph 1. Definition

The Church, as the body of Christ with Christ as its head, is a community of faith that believes in Christ’s death on the cross, His resurrection, and His future return.

The Church exists for the preaching of the Christian faith as the body of Jesus Christ who is the head of the Church and as a faith community believing in the death on the cross, the resurrection and the returning of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Paragraph 2. Mission

The mission of the Church is to glorify God by abiding in Jesus and by bearing good fruit in love as a healthy community of Jesus's disciples (John 15:7-8).


Paragraph 3. Ministry Visions

The Church aims to fulfill the five ministry visions to fulfill its mission.

First, Community of intimate worship, filled with the Holy Spirit and divine grace (John 4:23-24, John 17:3)

Second, Community of holy faith, growing by daily meditation and prayer (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Third, Community of faithful servants, serving with the shepherd’s heart as the core of the church (Ephesians 4:11-12, Philippians 2:5-8, 2 Timothy 2:2)

Fourth, Community of beautiful embrace, honoring and serving a soul with warmth and safety (John 6:37, Romans 8:1-2, Luke 15:7)

Fifth, Community of sacrificial love, building a healthy family of faith where children dream (Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 5:22, Proverb 22:6, Acts 10:2)


Article 5. Statement of Doctrine

         We believe that Scripture, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testament, is the precise and inerrant Word of God.  The Church’s faith is based upon Scripture.  We therefore hold that Scripture has the sole, complete, and ultimate authority, and as such is the standard for faith and life of the Church.

         The Church agrees with the doctrinal declaration of the Baptist Faith and Message adopted at the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14th, 2000.


Bylaws of the Good Fruit Church

         << See the attached Bylaws >>



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